Epidote comes from the Greek word EPIDOSIS, which means "increase". This is in reference to its numerous crystal faces and the crystal characteristic of having one longer side at the base of the prism.

Epidote belongs to a group of related minerals with Epidote being the most commonly known member of the Epidote family.

Epidote is a calcium aluminum iron silicate. It has a hardness of 6 to 7 on the Mohs scale. It has a pearl-like, glass-like, resinous luster. Epidote is dense and fragile due to its perfect cleavage. It is rarely cut as a gemstone.

Epidote is transparent to opaque. Transparent Epidote is the most valuable. Epidote is strongly pleochroic. It usually displays different colors of green, yellow and brown when viewed from different angles.

Epidote has a monoclinic and prism crystal structure. Prismatic minerals have crystals that show a uniform cross-section. Prismatic crystals typically have 3, 4, 6, 8 or 12 faces. The faces are often deeply striated and crystals are often twinned (intergrowth of 2 separate crystals).

Gemstones that have been confused with Epidote include Idocrase (Vesuvianite), Chrome Diopside, Dravite Tourmaline, and Green Garnet. But due to its rather high refractive index and birefringence, Epidote is quite easily identifiable.

Epidote comes in all shades of green, with yellowish-green or Pistachio color being the most sought after. Colors can include gray, brown and near-black.

In the gemstone trade, Epidote usually refers to the gemstone-quality of the green variety of the mineral Epidote. The gemstone quality of Epidote is extremely rare.

There are several varieties of Epidote, chiefly among them is Pistacite which is of a yellow-green color like a Pistachio nut. Pistacite is rich in iron.

Clinozoisite is a white to pink colored form of Epidote with a low iron content, resulting in a very similar chemical composition to Zoisite.

Zoisite which is also known as Tanzanite is of a violet-blue color.

Epidote and Clinozoisite are so similar that a distinction is impossible to make between these two minerals. Thus, 'Clinozoisite-Epidote' is the trade name of a gemstone that cannot be determined whether it is Clinozoisite or Epidote. In some cases, an Epidote specimen crystal may contain both of these minerals.

Piemontite is an opaque form of Epidote which is red in color. The red is due to manganese content in Piemontite.

Tawmawite is a dark green variety of Epidote from Burma. It has a chromium-rich mineral content.

Unakite is an altered form of granite with characteristic inclusions of epidote.

Lesse -known varieties that are related or similar to Epidote include:

Hancockite, Epidosite, Thulite, Anyolite, Allanite, Orthite, and Piemontite.

The most important deposits of Epidots are found in Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, Czechoslovakia, Finland, France, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Madagascar, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Norway, Switzerland, Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and the United States of America.

In ancient times, farmers and fruit growers hung Epidote stones in their farm fields in order to have a great harvest.

Epidote is known as the Attraction Stone. This means that whatever the wearer is thinking of attracting, it is manifested. If you feel love, you will attract love; this also applies to these other negative thoughts and feelings.
If you use it wisely, Epidote will help you to manifest your heart's desires.

Epidote is a grounding stone. It discharges excess electricity in the body. It protects against depression, releases anger and anxiety.

Epidote is a mineral collector’s stone. This is because it is extremely rare as a gemstone. Jewelry made from this unique green gemstone is not suitable for daily wear and extra care should be considered as it can easily fracture and chip due to its perfect cleavage.

Epidote is also sensitive to extreme heat and is vulnerable to fragment and breaks by hydrochloric acid. Thus, avoid cleaning it with harsh household chemicals.

To clean your Epidote, simply use a soft cloth with water and mild soap. Make sure to remove all of the soap residue.