Fluorite, from the Latin FLUERE, means "to FLOW". It was originally named Fluorospar, referring to its crystalline projections found in the stone. However, if you google "fluorspar," you will also be directed to fluorite stone images.

From Fluorite we get Fluorescence which you find in fluorites under ultraviolet light; and fluorine which is the chemical element of atomic number 9, a poisonous pale-yellow gas of the halogen series.

Every color of the rainbow in various shades is represented by fluorite samples, along with white, black, and clear crystals. The most common colors are purple, blue, green, yellow, or colorless; less common are pink, red, white, brown, and black. Color mixing is commonly present in Fluorites. Fluorite has been named "the most colorful mineral in the world;"

Fluorite also comes in joining isometric cubes. They also come in crystal pyramid shapes fused together at their base.

Pure Fluorite is transparent.

Fluorite are found in most parts of the world.

The magical properties of this stone have just recently been discussed. For example, it is believed that fluorite cleanses your auric field, unblocks and stimulates all your chakras so that it wakes your system up physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It enables mental clarity and resilience and helps to relieve stress and anxiety.

It balances both sides of the brain hemispheres. When both sides are synchronised, creativity and ingenuity blossoms into limitless ideas and a drive to succeed.

Fluorite brings order to chaos; whether it is a chaotic mind, emotional stress, physical mess or just a feeling of overwhelming dis-ease; fluorite is able to soothe everything down to its equilibrium. It is therefore a stone that you want to keep close to you. It is also an excellent stone to be held in your hand during meditation as you will be better able to harness its healing energy.

The following is the first time that this stone is mentioned in literature.
Perusal of the following from Bermannus (p. 458) can leave little doubt as to the first or second order being in part fluor-spar. Agricola derived the name fluores from fluo "to flow," and we in turn obtain "fluorite," or "fluorspar," from Agricola. "Bermannus.—These stones are similar to gems, but less hard. Allow me to explain word for word. Our miners call them fluores, not inappropriately to my mind, for by the heat of fire, like ice in the sun, they liquefy and flow away. They are of varied and bright colours. Naevius.—Theophrastus says of them that they are made by a conflux in the earth. These red fluores, to employ the words just used by you, are the ruby silver which you showed us before. Bermannus.—At the first glance it appears so, although it is not infrequently translucent. Naevius.—Then they are rubies? Bermannus.—Not that either. Naevius.—In what way, then, can they be distinguished from rubies? Bermannus.—Chiefly by this sign, that they glitter more feebly when translucent. Those which are not translucent may be distinguished from rubies. Moreover, fluores of all kinds melt when they are subject to the first fire; rubies do not melt in fire. Naevius.—You distinguish well. Bermannus.—You see the other kind, of a paler purple colour? Naevius.—They appear to be an inferior kind of amethyst, such as are found in many places in Bohemia. Bermannus.—Indeed, they are not very dissimilar, therefore the common people who do not know amethysts well, set them in rings for gems, and they are easily sold. The third kind, as you see here, is white. Naevius.—I should have thought it a crystal. Bermannus.—A fourth is a yellow colour, a fifth ash colour, a sixth blackish. Some are violet, some green, others gold-coloured. Anton.—What is the use of fluores? Bermannus.—They are wont to be made use of when metals are smelted, as they cause the material in the fire to be much more fluid, exactly like a kind of stone which we said is made from pyrites (matte); it is, indeed, made not far from here, at Breitenbrunn, which is near Schwarzenberg. Moreover, from fluores they can make colours which artists use."