Agatized Coral or Agatized Fossil Coral is formed when prehistoric coral is slowly replaced by agate. This creates a beautiful flower-like pattern in the agate stone.

Agatized fossil coral comes in a variety of colors ranging from white, pink, brown, gray, yellow and red.

Coral forms in deep rocky seabed waters typically in the shadows of crevices and sea caverns.

Coral is formed by marine animals called coral polyps. These white, small, soft body sea animals create shell skeletons from their secretions of calcium carbonate. Over the years these complex skeletal structures, coloured in shades of red by carotenoid pigments, begin to branch out into colonies. These beautiful coral structures grow 1 millimeter per year. As colonies grow over hundreds and thousands of years, they join with other colonies and become reefs that can be hundreds of miles long.

Now, Agate is a multicolored form of chalcedony quartz or silicon dioxide formed in beautiful and unique colored layer patterns. Bands run through the stone which exhibit many different colors, shadows and designs.

Over millions of years, prehistoric corals and mollusks are buried in sediment and then fossilized; then, they become replaced by silica from groundwater. As earth’s tectonic plates move, these fossilized corals are pushed up to the surface.

The most beautiful and one-of-a-kind specimens of agatized coral come from the mountain regions of Indonesia. Most of the corals found there are completely preserved and looked as they did 20 million years ago. They are the fern corals, brain corals, hex corals, honeycomb corals and so forth.

The State of Florida in the United States has made Fossil Coral their Florida State Rock. Another source in the United States where fossil coral is found is in the State of Georgia.

Since Agatized Fossil Coral is an agate gemstone and agate has a hardness rating of 7 on Mohs scale, agatized fossil coral is also hard enough to be made into any type of jewelry.

The ancient Egyptians deposited precious coral in tombs of the departed to protect them against evil spirits. It was believed, just as in ancient Greece, that Coral contained sacred blood of a god or a goddess.

In the ancient times, sailors used fossil coral as a talisman against bad weather and for smooth sea journey.

Today coral is still used widely for protection against the evil eye and black magic.

It also helps to overcome depression and boosts self-esteem. It purifies blood and protects against cuts, bruises, wounds n injuries.

Fossil Coral is a lucky stone which is believed to draw luck and attract wealth. Fossil coral is used for healing eye, skin and stomach illnesses. It is even believed to enhance longevity.