Demantoid Garnet is derived from the Dutch word for diamond or diamond-like, DEMANT and the Latin GRANATUS which refers to the fruit seeds of the pomegranate.

Demantoid is the green variety of Andradite Garnet and obtains its green from the presence of chromium. The yellowish colors are owed to ferric iron. It is the rarest and most valuable member of the garnet family of gemstones.

Demantoid Garnet was first discovered in 1853 in the Ural Mountains of Russia. 143 years later in 1996, another deposit was discovered in Namibia at the Green Dragon Mine and in 2003 it was discovered in Madagascar. Since then more deposits have been found in Afghanistan, Italy, Iran, China, Korea, Zaire and in the United States. However, it is the Russian gem that remains the standard by which Demantoid is judged.

Demantoid Garnet is of a calcium chromium silicate. It occurs in a cubic - rhombic dodecahedron, icositetrahedron crystal structure. Demantoid Garnet comes in a range of colors which include yellow-green (similar to Pedirot) and green to emerald green. It has a hardness ranging from 6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, with an indistinct cleavage. Demantoid Garnet is transparent to opaque, with a glass-like, diamond-like, adamantine luster.

Demantoid Garnet has an extremely high refractive index of 1.88 to 1.94 (higher than sapphire and ruby). It has a brilliant fire or dispersion rating even surpassing that of fine diamond. It is often found in small sizes. Specimens of Demantoid Garnet that are over 1 to 2 carats are extremely rare. Its small size may help to identify it from other similar green gemstones such as Peridot, Grossularite, Spinel, Emerald, Tourmaline or Uvarovite Garnet.

Demantoid has also been confused with these other green gemstones such as green Alexandrite, green Spinel and green Sapphire.

The most sought after are the intense green Demantoids although it is the lighter gemstones that display significantly the most brilliance.

Russian Demantoid often occurs with a unique golden needle inclusion known as horsetail which are created by the presence of byssolite or chrysotile asbestos. Demantoid can also occur with Serpentinite inclusions.

Demantoid for the most part is faceted into oval shapes, rounds, pears, cushions, diamond-cut and fancy cuts.

Demantoid Garnets are not treated or artificially enhanced in any way.

Garnet is best known as a red colored gemstone. Nonetheless it can also occur in other colors such as green, blue, brown, pink and purple.

Garnet often comes mix with other minerals and very rarely occurs in pure form.

Although the green variety of garnet Demantoid is relatively new, Garnet as a gemstone has been known and used for thousands of years. The Greeks used it as a powerful stone for protection and to protect their children from drowning. It was also believed to be an antidote for poison.

According to the Wikipedia article on “Seven Heavens,” it reads that in the Quran it says that “The sixth heaven is described as being composed of gold (alternatively garnets and rubies); [and that] Moses can be found here.”

Garnet was also used as a talisman by seafarers and adventurers. It was considered a powerful talisman that could dispel evil spirits and guide the wanderer by lighting the way in the night.

Garnet also helps people rid of their depression and protect them from the night-mare that appears in their dreams. Garnet, more so the red variety, helps the wearer in alleviating his symptoms regarding bad or irregular blood flow, liver disorders and backache.

Garnet is the stone for people born under the sign of Aquarius, and is the official birthstone for those born in January. Garnet is the planetary stone for Mars, Mercury and Pluto.

It is the gemstone given in the 2nd wedding anniversary.

Garnet has a hardness ranging from 6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale. It is therefore suitable for any type of jewelry. It has an exquisite brilliance which makes it perfect for superb ring designs.

Demantoid Garnet's rarity adds a premium on its value and pricing. Yet, it could be an alternative gemstone for the more expensive green Emerald.

You can clean your Demantoid Garnet by using warm water with soap and wipe it down with a soft cloth. Be sure to rinse well your precious Demantoid Garnet to get rid of all soapy residue.