Fertility Stones, Symbols and Charms

Fertility Stones, Symbols and Charms

Since ancient times, people performed rituals in front of symbols, statues, stones that were believed to bestow children. The Ankh of ancient Egyptians was a life-giving symbol. Today this symbol looks very similar to the Christian cross more so the Coptic Orthodox Church cross known as the Cross with a Handle or Crux Ansata in Latin. Some say that the Ankh is composed of the phallus connecting to the vagina. Others are of the belief that it represents the female womb and fallopian tubes. Nonetheless, in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and painting the Ankh is depicted as something similar to bread given to the gods to eat. It was a symbol of protection in this life and also in the afterlife, and the giver of immortality.

The phallus is also another symbol of fertility worshipped all over the world. In ancient Egypt there is a myth of the virgin birth of Horus. After Set, Osiris brother, killed and afterwards dismembered the body of Osiris, Isis, the wife of Osiris with Anubis, the elder son of Osiris, gathered the scattered body parts of Osiris that were scattered all over Egypt: places that were considered holy and sacred by the ancient Egyptians. All parts of the body were recovered except the penis. Osiris penis was eaten by a fish. Isis therefore made a golden phallus to replace the missing penis of Osiris. Once the phallus was placed, Isis flew above the corpse of Osiris and in this way, she became pregnant with Horus. This missing phallus was worshipped or revered all over Egypt in the form of the obelisk.

The Egyptians god Min is usually depicted with an erect penis. He was considered a god of fertility.

Hathor, the Cow Mother goddess of ancient Egypt, also a goddess of fertility was associated with turquoise and malachite, thus giving us a clue that these gemstones were considered fertility gemstones in ancient Egypt.

In Sanskrit lingam means penis. Thus, the Shiva lingam means the penis of Shiva and is worshipped as an open oval stone with a rounded column stone. The Spatika Lingam, usually are small Shiva lingams composed of clear quartz. What is typically offered to the Shiva Lingam is milk, water, and the triangular leaves or 3 leaflets of the Bilva tree. The Shiva lingam is composed of the Lingam which is the phallus and the Yoni or the vagina uniting as one. There is no doubt that the Shiva Lingam is a fertility symbol and I am certain that some Hindu women do rituals in order for them to have children.

Furthermore, in India also a toe ring is worn on the second toe of both feet which is believed to connect the uterus with the heart and excite the female reproductive system. Men, on the other hand, wear Jyotish jewelry such as a toe ring on the big toe in order to boost their manliness in lovemaking.

In Indonesia and Thailand, the phallus is used as a charm and worn and revered and respected. The charms are made from stone, wood, bronze and silver.

The Mara Kannon Shrine in Japan houses many penis statues. There is a Japanese amulet known as ‘Amamori’ and some are said to be able to help you in obtaining a good marriage partner and have beautiful healthy children. Every year the Kanayama Shrine in Japan brings out a sacred "steel phallus" and people gather in celebration. Another fertility festival also takes place in Japan at Komaki where a long wooden phallus is brought out and paraded and celebrated.

In Inca Uyo Temple, Puno, Peru, there is a 'Temple of Fertility' with a big collection of Stone Penises. This temple was built in ancient times. There is a centerpiece altar of a penis stone that looks very similar to a Shiva Linga.

The ancient Romans used a charm called Fascinum from which we get the English word Fascination and it was used against the evil eye. These charms were made of gold but usually they were made from bronze. Wealthy Romans would give their sons a gold ring in the shape of a phallus.

Another fertility symbol since ancient times is the snake and the horns.

A cornicello (Italian pronunciation: [korniˈtʃɛllo]), cornetto ([korˈnetto]; Italian for '"little horn" or "hornlet"'), corno (Italian for "horn"), or corno portafortuna (literally "horn that brings luck" in Italian) is an Italian amulet or talisman worn to protect against the evil eye (or malocchio [maˈlɔkkjo] in Italian) and bad luck in general, and, historically, to promote fertility and virility. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornicello]

Today, especially in Christianity and Judaism, it is a red gemstone that is associated with fertility. Red rubies and red carnelians are the fertility gemstone per excellence.

Other gemstones linked with fertility are rose quartz and moonstone. Rose quartz is believed to attract love and healing. In Arab countries, women believe that attaching a moonstone to an underwear will encourage fertility.

Jade and Aventurine are also believed to promote fertility in the wearer.

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