Goshenite Gemstone

Goshenite Gemstone

Goshenite derives its name from the locality where it was first described, that is, in the small town of Goshen, Hampshire County of Western Massachusetts. It is of an aluminum beryllium silicate by chemical composition.

Goshenite, which is part of the famous Beryl family of gemstones that includes green Emerald and blue Aquamarine, is the purest and the only colorless beryl as it contains no impurities. It is also one of the Precious Beryls that include Morganite, Heliodor, Golden Beryl and Bixbite.

Though colorless, Goshenite can be changed to green, yellow, blue, pink and yellow by adding impurities in the stone.

Goshenite can also be used as an alternative for Emeralds and other colored gemstones by adding impurities or colored foil. The colored coil is similar to the coating that is used to enhance the colors of Mystic Quartz or Topaz.

Other colorless gemstones that resemble Goshenite are white Sapphire, white Zircon and white Topaz, Rock Crystal Quartz and Diamond.

Goshenite has a hardness ranging from 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale. It is harder than Quartz but softer than Sapphire and Topaz. It occurs in a unique six-sided hexagonal crystal structure and this distinguishing feature differentiate it from these other colorless gemstones.

Goshenite has an excellent clarity and transparency. Due to its excellent transparency it was once used to make eyeglasses. Today besides being used as a gemstone, Goshenite is also the source of beryllium.

Before Cubic Zirconia (diamond simulant) was introduced as a cheaper alternative to diamonds, it was Goshenite that was often used as a diamond imitation. This was done by placing silver foil behind the cut in order to augment its brilliance and fire.

When cut and polished, Goshenite has a waxy to glass-like luster. Only the transparent material is used for Goshenite gemstones.

Goshenite is usually faceted for fine jewelry and gem collectors. Because of its hardness and lack of cleavage, it can be cut into any shapes or styles. Goshenite is rarely cut into cabochon or step-cut style.

Due to its availability and affordability, Goshenite is not treated or heated. However, sometimes it goes though irradiation treatment in order to produce bright and vivid colors. To augment its brilliance and fire, silver and colored foil lining is also used.

Goshenite brings clarity, truth and balance to the wearer. It tunes the physical body with the psychic mind. It promotes fidelity and honesty. Goshenite was used by the ancient Irish as a divining tool, same way a crystal ball is used in most cultures as a divining tool.

Goshenite like all Beryls gives luck, energy, and youthfulness. It brings friends in a perfect union of love and harmony.

Goshenite inspires intellectual curiosity and ideas. It is known as a Stone of Wisdom. Goshenite and Rock Quartz crystal were both used as divining tools and eye glasses, and both were also known as Stones of Wisdom. It is the stone that helps people see different viewpoints in a situation, thus guiding one to make wise decisions.

As a white transparent stone, it represents purity and truth and psychic abilities. It is crystal clean and hence, nothing is hidden.

Goshenite is the stone for the zodiac sign of Gemini. It resonates with the third eye chakra that is associated with the moon and the water element in Eastern healing spirituality.

Goshenite is excellent as a diamond substitute and is very affordable. It is also available in larger sizes. For this reason, Goshenite is also used in engagement rings. It is popular as a material for gemstone carvings and ornaments.

Goshenite is sentitive to pressure and can be damaged with harsh household chemicals.

To cleanse your Goshenite, simply use a soft cloth with soap and water. Remember to rinse it well in order to remove all soap residue.

Goshenite is the most affordable of the Bery family. It can be found in Beryl mine locations around the world including North and South America. In the US, besides Massachusetts, Goshenite can also be found in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Maine, New Hampshire and both North and South Dakota. There are more Goshenite deposits in Brazil, China, Burma, Canada, Mexico, Namibia, Pakistan, Russia, Northern Europe. However, the best quality Goshenite comes from Brazil.