There is no doubt about it, labradorite is a magical gemstone.

The Inuit people of Canada called labradorite the Fire Stone. It was in 1770 that this beautiful stone was named Labradorite.

This rare beautiful stone changes color before your eyes from reds, blues, purples, yellows, and other colors. It seems that the stone is dancing for our benefit. Few gemstones are as stunningly beautiful as labradorite.

Labradorite comes from Labrador, in Canada where the Inuit people believed that the Aurora Borealis was trapped within the Labradorite rocks and this transformed the stone into a rainbow-like magical dance of colorful lights.

The legend of Labradorite tells of an Inuit hunter-warrior who struck the Labradorite rock with his spear and the colors were released to the sky thus creating the Northern Lights. The hunter-warrior was not able to release all of the colorful lights found in the stone and some of its rainbow remained. This rainbow-like colors are still in the stones that are highly esteemed and loved today.

Labradorite is like a prism. As light passes through its many thin aggregate layers of the stone, different wavelength of the light strikes a different layer and each layer reflects different colors of light. This unique dispersion of light creates the lovely dance of colors.

This play of color is called the schiller effect, also known as labradorencence, aventurescence and adularescence. Opals and Fire Agates also have this Schiller Effect, but they differ so much from labradorite that each of these stones can be cataloged very easily.

Labradorite can be found in Labrador, Canada, the United States, Mexico, Russia, Australia, Madagascar, and the type of Labradorite known as Spectrolite is found in Finland.

Though labradorite displays a play of colors, Labradorite is not considered a color-change stone; color-change stones are stones like garnet, alexandrite and you find this color-change effect also in some sapphires.

Labradorite comes in a variety of colors such as dark grey to grey-black, colorless, orange-red and brownish with colorful iridescence. Labradorite is often found in the deep blue range of colors.

Its hardness is 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale which means that it is hard enough for any type of jewelry.

It has a perfect cleavage and is transparent to opaque. But, as a whole, labradorite is an opaque gemstone. Its luster is vitreous or glass-like and its fluorescence is of a yellow marking.

Labradorite is a feldspar, a mixture of silica and aluminum. Spectrolite, Andesine, Sunstone, and Rainbow Moonstone are all part of the Labradorite Feldspar family.

Andesine is also a labradorite that is usually transparent and comes in an orange to red gemstone. Andesine does not have that play of color as labradorite.

Another stone that is similar to Labradorite in chemical composition but does not share the lovely play of colors is the sunstone. It comes in yellow, orange, and red colors. Sunstone also comes as the most awesome Star Sunstone.

Rainbow moonstone is another type of labradorite that has a rainbow-like quality with a blue luminosity. The bright and beautiful rainbow-like colors in labradorite are the most sought after. The more the labradorite dances with its color, the better. Labradorite displaying all the colors of the rainbow are rare and of extremely superior specimen. No two pieces of labradorites are identical.

Labradorite have the power to move you, even to the stars if you have the Will to it. It has the power to move you and get you out of your sluggish, tired and depressive moods. It gives you dreams with prophetic insights. It gives you visions of a bright colorful future, and moves your heart, mind and body forward to new experiences.

Labradorite is a healers' stone. Throughout the ages it has been popular with the shamans as it enhances the mental and intuitive abilities. It sharpens clairvoyance and telepathy and is also a good prophesizing tool.

The best ways to cleanse your Labradorite stones is to sun bathe it; to bathe it in running water, or, to bury it and let the earth take the negative energy that it has accumulated from you, or from the people and places that you have touched, and that were energetically draining.