Rhodolite is derived from the Greek word RHODON and LITHOS meaning Rose Stone.

Rhodolite is a naturally occurring mixture of almandite and pyrope garnet; two parts blood-red pyrope, one part purply-red almandine, it is brighter than both. Almandine is an iron aluminum silicate whereas Pyrope is a magnesium aluminum silicate.

Rhodolite garnet of raspberry red and grape color is the most valued. It can also be found in purplish-red to rose-pink and pinkish-red colors.

Rhodolite has a cubic, rhombic dodecahedron, icsositetrahedron crystal structure. It is transparent to opaque with glass-like luster.

It was the occultist Albertus Magnus in 1270 who gave the name "Garnet" to this precious stone. He described this mineral as GRANATUS, meaning SEED, due to the resemblance of this stone's form and color to pomegranate seed.

The garnets are a complex family of minerals. They all have similar structures but vary widely in chemical composition, properties and hardness. They come in a variety of colors ranging from pink, cinnamon brown, orange, yellow, green, purple, blue, black and colorless but most often in beautiful pomegranate red. The luster of garnet ranges from vitreous (glass-like) to resinous (amber-like).

Garnets are translucent to opaque.

All garnets fall between 6.5 and 7.5 on Mohs hardness scale and with no cleavage, they can be used in almost any type of jewelry. However, garnet as a gemstone is rarely found in very big carat sizes.

Garnets can come in a mixed series: pyrope-almandine-spessartine and uvarovite-grossular-andranite. These mixtures give rise to color changes.

Rhodolite garnet as part of the great Garnet family, can look similar to other Garnets such as Andradoid Garnets (Melanite, Demantoid and Topazolite), Spessartite Garnets, Grossularite Garnets (Hydrogrossular, Hessonite, Leuco Garnet and Tsavorite) and Uvarovite. It can also be confused with Tourmaline, Ruby, and Spinel.

Rhodolite can be identified from other garnets by its purplish or pinkish hues. It can also be distinguished from other gemstones by its ability to attract neodymium magnets due to its
high concentration of iron and/or manganese.

Rhodolite garnet gemstone is usually faceted to maximize its high refractive index or brilliance. It is also cut en cabochons. Good quality Rhodolite has no eye-visible inclusion.

Rhodolite garnet is not usually treated or enhanced in any way.

Garnet was used by ancient Sumerians and Egyptians; and, as early as 3100 BC, Egyptians used garnet as inlays in their jewelry and carvings. Pharaohs wore red garnet necklaces to benefit from its mystical properties and they have also been found on the mummified remains of the Pharaohs.

Ancient Greeks and Romans traded red garnets from India and Sri Lanka. These gemstones were made into signet rings and intaglios. They were also used for stamping of wax seals on important documents.

All Garnets honor Sekhmet, the Egyptian Goddess of War. She is the most powerful goddess of Lower Egypt, and is usually depicted with the head of a lion and the body of a beautiful woman.

As a Warrior's Stone, Garnet served as an amulet and talisman in the Crusades for both the Christians and the Muslim camp.

Garnet emanates fire energy and this is the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination and activity. It is Yang in nature. It is also the energy of heat, action, emotion and passion, of ideas, of concepts, and sex.

Garnet is immensely protective. Like fire it burns away any threats to the wearer and brings order in the midst of upheaval.

Garnet is known as the Travelers' Stone. It gives the feeling of stability and security. It is a great promoter for a successful business, encourages love and compassion and boosts self-esteem and self-confidence.

Garnet helps heal any blood disorders and stimulates blood circulation.

It is the birthstone of January and the second anniversary gemstone.

Rhodolite Garnet is ideal for any type of jewelry and ornaments. And like all garnets it is suitable for daily-wear jewelry. Rhodolite Garnet can be worn by both men and women, though Rhodolite Garnet jewelry for women are the most impressive and stunning.

Rhodolite garnet gemstones are quite tough and durable. However, care should be taken from hard blows that could permanently damage it.

To clean your precious Rhodolite, simply use a soft cloth with warm soapy water. Remember to rinse well and remove all soapy residue.

Rhodolite Garnet deposits can be found in Brazil, Burma (Myanmar), China, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), South Africa, Tanzania, in the United States and Zimbabwe.