Serpentine are smooth rocks that have an oily or slimy feel and sometimes appear to be "scaly" like the skins of snakes. It is from this physical appearance that the Latin name comes from: SERPENTINE from the Latin SERPENS, “Serpent.”

Serpentine comes in a variety of colors: grey, brown, black, yellow, white and bluish. This is because they come from deep in the ocean and could be intergrown with other minerals.

A poem attributed to the mythical Greek poet Orpheus written in 4th century AD related Serpentine's use as a protection against poisonous snakes bites and insect stings:

"No more the trailing serpent's tooth to fear,
Let him who by the dragon's fang hath bled,
On the dire wound Serpentine powdered spread,
And in the stone his sure reliance place,
For wounds inflicted by the reptile race."

In ancient Egypt, serpentine, with its smooth "oily" surface, was frequently served as a stone of choice for amulets. The most important green amulet was the heart scarab - believed to guarantee resurrection in the afterlife.

These amulets were also worn by the living for protection against diseases and sorcery.

Green stone Serpentine amulets were also highly revered religiously to the indigenous populations of Central Mexico and Central America

Serpentine is a very grounding stone because it comes from deep in the ocean. Its energy is so strong and powerful that it could stimulate the arousal of the kundalini energies. It is therefore a great stone to aid in clearing blocked or stagnant energy in any of the chakras.